Pochov Class Attack Submarine
ポチョフ級 攻撃型潜水艦
Government: Anti-United Nations
Ship Type: Submarines
Name | | | Destroyed | |
Rotorgueuze | | | 2004 June | |
A/S weapons: Toulouse torpedoes
Main machinery: Nuclear
Speed, knots: 47+ dived
Programs: Attack submarine class used by Anti-United Nations Forces during the United Nations Wars. Rotorgueuze sold to the United Rusrab Republic in 1993 and destroyed by the Prince Marco in 2004.
Weapons: Toulouse torpedoes launch via rocket motor to the surface and then resubmerge with screw propulsion and active homing.
Debut: "The Super Dimension Fortress Macross: The United Nations Wars: The Plundering Fleet"
Concept: Kenichi Matsuzaki
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