Prince Marco Attack Submarine
プリンス・マルコ 攻撃型潜水艦
Government: United Nations
Ship Type: Submarines
Name | | | | |
Prince Marco | | | | |
Fort Smith | | | | |
Michishio | | | | |
Displacement, tons: 6000 class
Missiles: Anti-air
Main machinery: Thermonuclear reactor
Speed, knots: 70+ dived
Programs: Attack submarines assigned to United Nations Forces task forces during the United Nations Wars, including the Prince Marco, Fort Smith, Michishio, and two others defending the Nichirin.
Design: Traditional teardrop shape.
Electronics: Computer system for automated fire control.
Engineering: Thermonuclear reactor developed with Overtechnology.
Debut: "The Super Dimension Fortress Macross: The United Nations Wars: The Plundering Fleet"
Concept: Kenichi Matsuzaki
Notes: The class name of these submarines is unspecified. The name Michishio is a reference to Michishio, an Asashio class destroyer in the Imperial Japanese Navy of World War II.
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