Zentradi Forces
Military Strength
2010 February (Before the Battle with Boddole Zer Main Fleet)
- Golg Main Fleet
- 118th Boddole Zer Main Fleet
- Personnel (7,500,000,000 Approximately)
- Capital Ships (4,795,122)
- 67th Glruimual Class Division Vrlitwhai [Adoclas] Branch Fleet
- Capital Ships (1213)
- 109th Branch Fleet
- 7th Aerial Armored Division
- Direct-Defense Fleet
2010 February 11, 1100 Macross Standard Time (After Grand Cannon's Firing)
- Golg Main Fleet
- 118th Boddole Zer Main Fleet
- Capital Ships (4,000,000 Approximately)
2010 February 11, 1127 Macross Standard Time (After Boddole Zer Flagship's Destruction)
- Golg Main Fleet
- 118th Boddole Zer Main Fleet
- Capital Ships (3,000,000 Approximately, dispersed across several million light years)
Zentradi Army Battalion
- Battalion Commander (1)
- Battery Leaders (2)
- Platoon Leaders (5 or more)
- Platoon Members (20 or more)
Tactical Pod Platoon (2 or more)
Heavy Missile Carrier Platoon (1)
Light Missile Carrier Platoon (1)
Tactical Scout Platoon (1)
Battalion Battery Platoon
Commander Leader Leader
--- Regult
|--- Regult
--- Regult --| Tactical Pod Platoon
| |--- Regult
| |
| --- Regult
| --- Regult
| |
| |--- Regult
--- Glaug -|--- Regult --| Heavy Missile Platoon
| | |--- Regult
| | |
| | --- Regult
| |
| | --- Regult
| | |
| | |--- Regult
Glaug --| --- Regult --| Light Missile Platoon
| |--- Regult
| |
| --- Regult
| --- Regult
| |
| |--- Regult
| --- Regult --| Tactical Scout Platoon
| | |--- Regult
| | |
| | --- Regult
--- Glaug -|
| --- Regult
| |
| |--- Regult
--- Regult --| Tactical Pod Platoon
|--- Regult
--- Regult
As commanding officers, battery leaders and higher have commonly used Glaugs. However, diminishing supplies of Glaugs have restricted their use in the final years of the Schism War.

Go to Main Title Page | Endnotes | Last Revised on: 1999 October 24
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Egan Loo <eganloo@anime.net>
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