![The Super Dimension Fortress Macross [the Movie]
Do You Remember Love?](../../../images/production/AnimationLiveAction/DYRL/DYRLLogo.GIF)
劇場版 超時空要塞マクロス 愛・おぼえていますか
Alternate Names: The Super Dimension Fortress Macross the Movie: Do You Remember Love?; Super Spacefortress Macross; Clash of the Bionoids
- Theatrical Release
- 114 minutes
- 1984 July 7
- Video Release
- 115-120 minutes
- 1984 August 11
Project Planning: Yoshimasa Ohnishi, Kenji Yoshida
Story Concept: Studio Nue with cooperation by Artland
Director: Noboru Ishiguro, Shoji Kawamori
Story Supervisor: Shoji Kawamori
Script: Sukehiro Tomita
Character Design: Haruhiko Mikimoto
Production Design/Mechanical Design: Kazutaka Miyatake
Music: Kentaroh Haneda
Production Directors: Haruhiko Mikimoto, Ichiroh Itano, Toshihiro Hirano
Director of Photographhy: Kazunori Hashimoto
Producers: Akira Inoue, Hiroshi Iwata, Tsuneyuki Enomoto
Presented by: Big West, MBS, Shogakukan
Release In Japan
The Super Dimension Fortress Macross the Movie
Do You Remember Love?
劇場版 超時空要塞マクロス 愛・おぼえていますか
Theatrical Release
114 minutes
Toho Films
1984 July 7 (selected theaters in Osaka, Kyoto, Hyogo, and seven other areas)
1984 July 21 (Tokyo and Japan-wide)
Video Tape
Vista-size, complete and uncut
Includes promotional short
118 minutes, color
VTG-42 (VHS)
VTG-314 (VHS, re-release)
SA-1284 (Rental only)
VBG-42 (Beta II)
VBG-314 (Beta II, re-release)
1984 August 11 (VHS; Beta II discontinued)
1987 October 21 (re-release)
Y14,800 (tax included)
VHD Video Disc
Vista-size, complete and uncut
58:49 (first side), 55:58 (second side)
115 minutes, color, stereo
1984 August 11
Y7,800 (tax included)
Laser Disc
Vista-size, complete and uncut
115 minutes, CLV, color, digital stereo
1984 December 21 (discontinued)
Y7591 (tax included)
Super Spacefortress Macross
超時空要塞マクロス 愛・おぼえていますか<海外版>
Video Tape
115 minutes, color, monoaural, English-dubbed
Includes explanatory note card
Victor Entertainment
1987 March 5
Laser Disc
120 minutes, color, digital stereo, English-dubbed, Japanese-subtitled
Victor Entertainment
1987 April 21 (discontinued)
Y9249 (tax included)
The Super Dimension Fortress Macross the Movie Perfect Edition
超時空要塞マクロス 愛・おぼえていますか 完全版
Closing credits replaced by concert animation created for Flash Back 2012 video. (A concert scene was planned and designed, but was never animated, for the original film's closing.)
Video Tape
120 minutes, color, stereo Hi-Fi
Bandai Visual
1992 August 21
Y9,800 (tax included)
Laser Disc
120 minutes, CAV, color, digital stereo
Bandai Visual
1992 August 21
Y14,800 (tax included)
120 minutes, CLV, color, digital stereo
1993 April 25
Y7800 (tax included)
The Super Dimension Fortress Macross
Do You Remember Love?
超時空要塞マクロス 愛・おぼえていますか
Digital Versatile/Video Disc
120 minutes, color, digital stereo
Improved player compatibility (compact package re-release)
Includes theatrical information, trailer, Flash Back 2012-derived ending animation
Include laser-disc-size box and poster (first release)
Include compact package, 2 postcards (compact package re-release)
Bandai Visual
BCBA-0238 (compact package re-release)
1998 July 25
1999 August 25 (compact package re-release)
Y8190 (tax included)
Release In North America
Clash of the Bionoids
Video Tape
90 minutes (edited for content), color, English-dubbed
Best Film & Video
Superdimensional Fortress Macross
Video Tape
115 minutes, color, English-dubbed
Best Film & Video
1995 July 11
$19.99 (suggested retail price)
Release In Great Britain
Clash of the Bionoids
Video Tape
90 minutes, color, English-dubbed
Macross: Do You Remember Love?
Video Tape
Approximately 110 minutes, color, Hi-Fi stereo, original Japanese language with English subtitles
KIS 94016
UPC 5 027180 940167
Kiseki Films

Go to Main Title Page | Endnotes | Last Revised on: 2001 September 05
Copyright © 1994-2000 Big West & licensees/Egan Loo. All rights reserved.
Egan Loo <eganloo@anime.net>
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