Prelude to Space War I
AD 1999 July 17 - AD 2009 January
AD 1999”N‚VŒŽ‚P“ú[AD 2009”N‚PŒŽ
Based partially on translation by Michael House
- 1999
- July 17
The Super Dimension Fortress Macross
TV Episode 01 Booby Trap
0030 Japan Standard Time (approximately): The Space Station New Frontier located 36000 km above the Phoenix Islands detects an intense radioactive phenomenon at the Lunar orbit, followed by an appearance of an object of great mass. Furthermore, it confirms that object is heading towards Earth, coming 5.88 km closer every second. After approximately 18 hours, it will fall onto the Earth's surface. Upon receiving the report, the United Nations Space Agency confers with the heads of every nation. They each eventually adopt a response plan.
0600 Japan Standard Time: The falling object is determined by its form and other features to be an unknown object very different from a meteorite, and its forecasted path after atmospheric entry is made public (but as a meteorite).
0700 Japan Standard Time: Since Japan is only separated by about 1500 km from the predicted crashpoint, the news is announced in Japan in the form of an earthquake warning due to the panic predicted. The response plan is adopted.
1815 Japan Standard Time: Admidst a dispute between a faction advocating to destroy it by nuclear attack and factions advocating for no attack, the object named "EVA" (evangel, which means the Gospel of the Coming) enters the atmosphere above Burma. Due to the high temperatures and terrific shock waves, it reduces the summit of Mount Everest by nearly 1000 meters, destroys Moscow and Stockholm, and inflicts damage while passing over all parts of Europe. Furthermore, it travels over Iceland and Greenland, causes volcanoes to erupt in Canada, and falls onto the South Ataria Island at the southermost tip of the Ogasawara Islands above the Tropic of Cancer.
A huge mysterious comet [meteor] from outer space crashes on Earth.
- July
Upon investigation by the United Nations, the meteorite is determined to be an alien spaceship. It is designated with the codename ASS-1 (Alien Starship-1).
Official announcements are made that an asteroid 3 km in diameter and composed of great quantities of metal fell.
Due to the great destructive damage, abnormal weather, and starvation caused in all parts of America, Russia [Soviet Union], Europe, and [the rest of] the world by the shock waves accompanying the fall of the ASS-1, the existence of aliens is treated as top secret until the confusion is brought under control. What begins as an emergency summit meeting between America and Russia [Soviet Union] becomes a summit meeting between every nation.
- August
- United Nations Investigation Teams organized. Thorough study of ASS-1 begins by United Nations Investigation Teams. South Ataria Island designated a United Nations sphere of jurisdiction.
- December
- According to the first report of the ASS-1 study, the alien spaceship is determined to be a war vessel, and its alien crew to be giants whose height is five times that of Humans.
In preparation for alien warfare, a plan is drafted to unify the countries of Earth and to establish an Earth U.N. Government.
- 2000
- March
- Establishment of OTEC, an alien technology analysis research institute, through joint Japanese-American-Russian[Soviet]-[West] German-English-French collaboration.
- April
- Research on anti-giant combat weaponry systems ([later designated as] Battroid and Destroid) begins.
- June
- The existence of aliens officially announced (except for their size and other details which are kept top secret). Following this, framing plan for Earth U.N. Government officially announced.
- July
Outbreak of dispute in People's Republic of Garalia in the Middle East. The frequent disputes and internal conflicts occurring hereafter in all areas of the world become collectively known as the U.N. Wars.
- October
- In the Sea of Tranquility on the Lunar surface, construction of a large-scale permanent base, "Apollo," begins.
- December
- Designing of the HWR-00 series begins.
- 2001
- January
- Inauguration of Earth U.N. Government. Founding Prime Minister, Harlan J. Niven [Niiben (sic)].
Establishment of Earth U.N. Forces.
- February
- Project startup with OTEC as the heart of project on the restorating and reconstructing of the fallen ASS-1 alien spaceship for reuse as a capital warship of the Earth U.N. Forces.
Hereafter, the ASS-1 spaceship is redesignated SDF-1 (Super Dimension Fortress-1). Space launch scheduled for 2006 May.
Stonewell/Bellcom design team completes initial Battroid design based on [the design later designated as] the Destroid.
- March
- Successful development of new materials by OTEC.
- May
- Construction of large-scale space manufacturing station begins at L-5 in Lunar orbit.
- July
- Construction of permanent Mars base begins.
Civilians begin immigrating to South Ataria Island for the ASS-1's restoration.
- August
- Theory of SDF-1's thermonuclear reaction system explained.
Designing of the F203 begins.
- September
- Trial production of the anti-giant ground-combat weaponry system [later designated as the] "Destroid" begins.
- November
- Theory of SDF-1's Main Cannon firing system explained.
- 2002
- QF-2000D Ghost mass production begins.
- February
- Tentative plan introduced for all-regime variable combat system for use against the giants.
- March
- Grand Cannon System Theory completed.
- April 8
- Misa Hayase enters a military junior academy.
- April
- Misa Hayase: White Reminiscences
- Misa Hayase and Riber Fruhling meet at a party held to celebrate Takashi Hayase's new command. They visit Yokohama, Japan and the Minsharou Chinese restaurant.
- May
- Construction of Earth U.N. Military Headquarters for anti-stellar-warfare begins in Alaska. On the same site, Grand Cannon System I is constructed.
Designing of the MBR-04 series begins.
- June
- [Construction of ARMD system begins.]
- July
- First Defensive Battle for South Ataria Island against an Anti-U.N. Army attack.
- November
- In OTEC, Earth-made thermonuclear reaction plant surpasses critical [temperature] point.
- 2003
- F203 formally adopted as main fighter of the U.N. Forces.
- Development begins on a competing fighter [to be known as] VF-X-2 to the fighter [to be known as] VF-1.
- March
- Bruno J. and Miho Global marry.
Riber Fruhling is commissioned as First Lieutenant in the U.N. Spacy after graduating from the U.N. Spacy Officers' Academy.
- April
- At the L-5 manufacturing station, construction of ARMD series space carriers, as well as space destroyers, begins.
- July
- Designing of the MBR-07 series begins.
- November
- In a factory beneath Apollo Lunar Base, using feedback from restoration work on ASS-1, construction begins on SDF-2, a stellar space warship entirely of Earth origin.
An assignment of U.N. Spacy personnel arrives at Mars Base.
- December
- Trial production of the MBR-04 series begins.
- 2004
- Misa Hayase decides to join the UN Spacy at the beginning of the year.
- January
- OTEC develops thermonuclear reaction bomb. Thermonuclear reaction bomb completed by OTEC.
- February
- On the Lunar surface, successful test of thermonuclear reaction bomb explosion.
- March
- Construction on Grand Cannon II begins in the Australian Autonomous Region.
- June
- "[The Super Dimension Fortress Macross: The U.N. Wars] The Plundering Fleet"
- [MH: This is a story, written by Ken-ichi Matsuzaki, which tells of one of the exploits of Bruno J. Global and Admiral Hayase during the U.N. Wars. It appears on pgs. 56-59 of Macross Perfect Memory.]
- September
- Super-small-scale thermonuclear reaction plant finished by OTEC.
- October
- Construction on Grand Cannon III begins in Africa in the Victorian Autonomous Region.
- November
- Deterioration in world economy due to extensive delays on, and defense expense increases for, the SDF-1 Restoration Project.
- December
- Use of reaction explosions begins during Grand Cannon construction work.
- 2005
Basic design of variable fighter system completed.
- Development begins on a fighter [to be known as] VF-X-3.
- Development begins on a fighter [to be known as] VF-X-4.
- January
- Outbreak of rioting [in Russia] in the Kirghiz, and Kazakh Autonomous Regions. The Second Defensive Battle for South Ataria Island.
- February
- Trial production of the MBR-07-Mk I begins.
- March 29
- The first Oberth class space destroyer is commissioned.
- April 14
- Founding Earth U.N. Government prime minister [representative] Harlan J. Niven [Niiben (sic)] is assassinated. Robert A. Rhysnink [Rhysling] is installed as his successor.
- July
- Outbreak of guerilla warfare all over America.
- August
- Withdrawal from Mars Base led by Harry Miler.
- September
- The third Oberth class space destroyer Tsiolkovsky is hijacked by the Anti-U.N. Military Organization.
- September 8
- 1800: The return fleet from Mars is destroyed with 3055 U.N. forces personnel onboard by this [aforementioned] destroyer's attack.
- September 10
- Official announcement of the Mars return fleet's destruction by the U.N. Military Headquarters.
- September
- The U.N. Forces destroy the Anti-U.N. Military Organization's captured space destroyer Tsiolkovsky via an attack with reaction weaponry by Captain Bruno J. Global's space destroyerGoddard. (First use of reaction weaponry in actual combat.)
- October
- Trial production of the HWR-00 series begins.
- November
- In an Anti-U.N. Army retaliatory attack on the U.N. Forces, the under-construction Grand Cannon II is destroyed in Australia.
- December
- Through the use of OTM, the super-large-scale semi-submersible aircraft carrier CVS-101 Prometheus is commissioned.
- 2006
- Trial prototype production of VF-X variable fighter system begins early in the year.
- March
- In the Lunar North Polar Region, construction on Grand Cannon IV begins.
- April
- SLV-111 [CLV-111] Daedalus is commissioned as a super-large-scale assault landing vessel .
- May
- Outbreak of the Third Defensive Battle for South Ataria.
- June
- Decision made to formally adopt the MBR-04 series of Destroids. Mass production begins.
- September 24
- Misa Hayase lives in the U.N. Military Officers' Academy housing as the U.N. Wars nears their conclusion.
- October
- In the Central Russian Administrative Region, the Anti-U.N. Army uses strategic [tactical] nukes. St. Petersburg's [Leningrad's] destruction demonstrates that the Anti-U.N. Army also has the capability for retaliatory strikes using thermonuclear reaction weaponry on the earth's surface.
- November
- Defensive Battle for South Ataria Island ends.
- 2007
- January 20
- Conclusion of U.N. Wars.
- January
- Training center for SDF-1 crew established on South Ataria Island.
- February
- The VF-X nontransformable flight test vehicle as well as the VF-X1 prototype variable fighter begins first flight tests.
Rollout of MBR-04-Mk I.
- March
- Stationing of Destroids aboard the SLV-111 Daedalus begins.
- May
- Construction on Grand Cannon V begins in the Brazilian Autonomous Region in South America.
- June
- Space tests of the VF-X1 begins.
- November
- Decision made to formally adopt the VF-X1. VF-1 series mass production [scheduled to] begin.
Rollout of MBR-04-Mk VI [Mk III] Tomahawk.
- 2008
- January
- Rollout of MBR-07-Mk I Spartan.
- June
- MBR-07-Mk I Spartan upgraded to Mk II with improved TV searching system and added anti-air weaponry.
- July
- Space carrier ARMD I commissioned.
- August
- VF-1 series [scheduled to] begin deployment for actual combat. (However, usage is to have been limited to Fighter mode only.)
- September
Macross Zero
- The U.N. government and Anti-U.N. forces secretly deploy the VF-0 and SV-51 respectively while disputing over a recently discovered phenomenon on the island of Mayan in the South Pacific Ocean. (The events are kept secret for at least five decades.)
- Rollout of the first HWR-00 series model.
- October
- ARMD II commissioned.
- November
- all-regime variable fighter VF-1 series mass production begins.
- November 23
- Rollout of the first trial production VF-1A variable fighter.
- November 29
- Maiden flight of the first trial production VF-1A variable fighter.
- 2009
- Development begins on a space fighter [to be known as] VF-5.
- January
- SDF-1 is christened Macross.

Go to Main Title Page | Endnotes | Last Revised on: 2004 November 02
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