
From Macross Compendium

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The Anti-UN Alliance was grouping of nations who refused to align themselves with the policies of the Security Council and Grand Assembly after initial investigations by Professor Hasford's research group presented its findings to those bodies; Membership consisted of non-aligned, ex-communist and recently independent republics and countries not eager to be assimilated into another larger federation. The Anti-UN Alliances were fractious politically, and divided geographically in such a way as to reduce their effectiveness when resisting political overthrow by tactical warfare by the UN forces intent on deposing and replacing governments.

The last large Anti-UN force, sometimes known as the Lorraine Group was defeated in the Mayan Islands Campaign of 2008; The Anti-UN Alliance (along with the UN it opposed) ceased to exist as a political entity in 2010.

Origins: The Landing of ASS-1

In 1999, the ASS-1 landed on South Ataria Island. The arrival was cataclysmic, but the effects on Human civilisation were even more profound. Restoring the ASS became critical - clearly the crew, long since dead, dwarved human beings. Peace and a peaceful first contact were very important. However, in order to restore the ASS-1, as much of the world's resources as were available would be required.

The UN security council members, and 72% of the Grand Assembly, voted on the back of massed public sentiment, for the formation of a global UN government. Notable abstentions included some of the Russian Republics, Germany, most African countries, India, Pakistan, and Brazil and some other South American countries.

The refusal to submit to the UN government led to the UNification Wars of 1999-2008, and solidification of the Anti-UN Alliance

The UNification Wars

Starting almost immediately in 1999, after the resolution of the Security Council and the Grand Assembly, all abstaining members met in an adjoining hall, and declared the Anti-UN Alliance.

The first act of the Alliance members was to eject the ambassadors of UN government members, and to close down activities of all UN groups within their countries, and follow this with explusion of persona non grata

In some cases, public executions took place at the start of 2001, and were of course met with public outcry. The public floggings in Pakistan, and the killing of two UN delegates in a public beheading in Dubai served as a Casus Belli for the UN to forcibly replace the governments of abstaining countries.

Battle on multiple contained fronts (the Alliance members rarely had adjoining borders), saw the fall of successive governments - the UN forces almost never engaged in combat that threatened the lives of citizens, or their livelyhood, as a response to the terms of the UN Charter.

Settlement of the Wars, and after

By 2008, the remaining militaries of the Alliance had been reduced to Guerrilla groups on the fringes of society. The largest remaining Alliance force, sometimes known as the Lorraine Group (for the markings on their SV-51 fighters, the Cross of Lorraine), engaged in battle with the reformed U.S. Navy VF-103, now Skull Squadron, under the command of Roy Focker, a seasoned veteran of the wars.

The Mayan Campaign saw the elimination of the Lorraine Group and its two leaders, D.D. Ivanov and Nora Polyansky, in combat. Events at the conclusion of the campaign remained classified until 2059.

Disappearance of the Macross, 2009

In 2009, the Macross disappeared due to unforeseen performance of her Fold engines. The UN hierarchy, by now well established, gave the story to the world's population that the Macross had been destroyed by a group of reaction-weapon wielding UN Seperatist Guerrillas, so as to explain the decimation of South Ataria Island.

Decimation of the Earth

With the attack of Bodolzaa in 2010, and the near obliteration of the Earth and its people, the Anti-UN forces ceased to exist, along with the UN it opposed. Anti-military sentiment still existed, the chief exponent of this being Lynn Kaifun in the years after the end of Space War I. However, the Anti-UN Alliance was no more than a footnote to history at this point.


In the manner of the Imperial Japanese as enemies in the Rogers & Hammerstein musical South Pacific, the Anti-UN Alliance appear as similar villians in the tale of The Bird Human, also now a story of love and romance in the period before Space War I.