From Macross Compendium
- As one new weapon after another is introduced by both opposing forces, more war erupts in all areas of the world. (Macross History version 2008)
- Trial prototype production of VF-X variable fighter system begins early in the year.
- Roll-out of the first Octos Destroid.
- In the Lunar North Polar Region, construction on Grand Cannon IV begins.
- SLV-111 [CLV-111] Daedalus is commissioned as a super-large-scale assault landing vessel .
- Outbreak of the Third Defensive Battle for South Ataria.
- Decision made to formally adopt the MBR-04 series of Destroids. Mass production begins.
September 24
- Misa Hayase lives in the U.N. Military Officers' Academy housing as the U.N. Wars nears their conclusion.
- In the Central Russian Administrative Region, the Anti-U.N. Army uses strategic [tactical] nukes. St. Petersburg's [Leningrad's] destruction demonstrates that the Anti-U.N. Army also has the capability for retaliatory strikes using thermonuclear reaction weaponry on the earth's surface.
- Defensive Battle for South Ataria Island ends.
2000s 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 -2006- 2007 2008 2009 |